蜘蛛の巣 蜘蛛


1255 ID|Modified12552022-05-27 23:34:23 +0900
Titleはっぴぃセブン ~ざ・テレビまんが~
Roomajihappii sebun sa terebi manga
EnglishHappy Seven: The TV Manga
TagsClubs, Comedy, Fantasy, Manga, Middle School, Shounen, Super Power
Description* Based on the manga by Kawasaki Hiroyuki.

Sakogami Amano is a high school girl at the Shitennoji Academy, and a very unlucky girl. Everything she does backfires on her. One day she has a strange dream, but she does not remember it any more when she wakes up. The next day she happens to enter the Kaiun Kenkyukai club room (a society for the study of improvement of ones fortune). The members are seven girls who have the power of Shichifukujin (the Seven Fortune Gods). With their help Amano prays to become happy. Immediately a monster that had haunted her leaves her body and begins to assault her. Luckily, the person she had dreamed of last night suddenly comes to her rescue.
Date|Next2005-10-03 till 2005-12-26    「Autumn 2005/* Finished airing */
Episodes1325min 「Σ: 0d 05:25h」
Type|CensorTV Series/* not applicable */
Studio|AuthorTrinet Entertainment, Studio HibariKawasaki Hiroyuki
Rating5     「3.030」
Relation◀    ▍  ▶ [GRAPH]
Languagesub español日本語
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