* Based on the 2004 tokusatsu film Cutie Honey, both being adaptations of the 1970s manga series written and illustrated by Nagai Gou, serialised in Shounen Champion.
In the near future, the mysterious armed group called Secrete Organization Panther Claw performs acts of sabotage in and around Tokyo, panicking the citizens. Although the Police Force and the Riot Police led by Police Inspector Natsuko are dispatched, they are unable to apprehend Panther Claw. It is then that Gold Claw, one of the Panther Claw's big four, appears at a TV station, and takes control of it.
Just when all seems to be lost for the forces of good, a beautiful girl appears: Cutie Honey, the fighter of love. She leads the boring life of a nondescript employee named Kisaragi Honey, but in actual fact she is an android made by the famous scientist Dr. Kisagagi, who transforms when shouting the words "Honey Flash", thanks to the ai System (love system) built into her. In order to avenge her creator's death, it is Cutie Honey's mission to fight against the evil Panther Claw organization.
While the police forces led by Natsuko join the battle between Honey and Panther, a newspaper reporter Hayakawa Seiji watches quietly from the sidelines. He knows of Cutie Honey's secret identity. But what is the true purpose of Sister Jill, the leader of Panther Claw?