蜘蛛の巣 蜘蛛


2664 ID|Modified26642024-09-23 22:07:17 +0900
RoomajiTougen Anki
EnglishDark Demon of Paradise
TagsManga, Action, Fantasy, Mythology, Shounen
DescriptionIndividuals with Momotarou and Oni blood coursing through their veins maintain a longstanding rivalry. The Oni are careless, rash, and disorderly, while the Momotarou protect the human world from the uncontrollable Oni. Shiki Ichinose is a reckless and irresponsible teenager, aware of his defiance and even proud of his expulsion from school. Despite Shiki's rebellious attitude, his foster father, Tsuyoshi, cares about him deeply.

Tsuyoshi's selfless love is soon shown in an explosive incident when a Momotarou barges in looking for Shiki. As a Momotarou himself, Tsuyoshi has been hiding Shiki for years and keeping his Oni origins a secret even from him. As he gives up his life to save Shiki and confesses everything in his dying breath, Shiki's Oni blood awakens for the first time, transforming him into an unruly monster overflowing with rage and a thirst for revenge.

Shiki's momentary outburst attracts the attention of Naito Mudano, an Oni teacher at the Rakshasa Academy—an institution for young Oni in need of understanding and perfecting their powers. Before Shiki can avenge his father, he must learn to control his headstrong and impulsive nature and, above all, fight against his own demonic blood.
Date|Next2025-??-??    「」/* Not yet aired */
Episodes0/* unknown length */ 「Σ: 0d 00:00h」
Type|CensorTV Series/* not applicable */
Studio|Author Urushibara Yura
Rating0     「0.000」
Relation◀    ▍  ▶ [GRAPH]
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